More inclusive emoji will come to iPhones in iOS 14.2 – Engadget

The current iOS betas nearly always reveal a look into what to anticipate when the rest people upgrade our iPhones. If youre into emoji, then iOS 14.2 may be a reward. The brand-new additions, detailed by Emojipedia, should be just a few weeks away, include transgender flags and the trans symbol, bubble tea and a ninja– lastly.
Noise familiar? Apple previewed a few of its emoji updates back in July, now we get to see all of them– and decide which will be our new favorites. The update includes gender variations for both the tuxedo and veil emojis, now reclassified as gender-neutral emoji. Theres also bottle feeding emoji across genders, which will exist alongside the breastfeeding icon from 2017. While there are new emoji for flies and cockroaches, I believe this to be the most 2020 emoji.