Banjo-Kazooie, Byleth And Terry Bogard Smash Bros. amiibo Release Planned For 2021 – Nintendo Life

At the very end of the latest Smash broadcast, Masahiro Sakurai showed fans a first-look at the Banjo-Kazooie, Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) and Terry Board (Fatal Fury / King of Fighters) amiibo.

Unfortunately, you’ll have to hold out until 2021 for each one. Sakurai hopes everyone will be able to wait patiently and also mentioned how Byleth would only be released in the character’s male form. Here’s what else he had to say about each one of these new amiibo:


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“Banjo-Kazooie – This is a rare prototype, which was sent to my home. It’s amazing to think that an official 3D model of Banjo & Kazooie is being made by Nintendo.”


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Mr. Sakurai Presents Steve & Alex 41 47 Screenshot

“Our professor, Byleth. What about the P2 version? Unfortunately, we’re only able to create the P1 fighter amiibo.”

Terry Bogard

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“So, three amiibo figures, including Terry Bogard, are now in development. Release is planned for 2021, so we hope you can be patient with us.”

Will you be adding any of these amiibo to your collection when they arrive next year? Tell us down below.