Weekend poll: Did you pre-order a Pixel 5? – Android Police

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Google officially announced the Pixel 5 just last week. The phone leaked so much, we knew basically everything about it before it was revealed, excluding a few curious tidbits like how wireless charging would work. Pricing was also a little nebulous, but it turned out it varies depending on the market, with not all areas getting the more expensive mmWave 5G version of the phone — and sadly, the US is stuck with the $699 model.

I’m sure you’ve had time to mull it over, and Pixels are among the most popular phones among the Android Police readership. So did you pre-order a Pixel 5?

Even among our Pixel-loving audience, I think this latest entry in the series is a little contentious, especially up against the new Samsung Galaxy S20 FE, which crams in much better specs at the same price. Of course, Pixel ownership is about more than just hardware, and Google’s software is an actual and legitimate added value, unlike most manufacturer customizations. The Pixel camera also remains one of the best you can get.

This is my job, and since Pixels are among the most important phones to discuss for our readership, so I didn’t even have a choice: I had to pre-order one. But with the Pixel 4a delivering such a great experience for hundreds less, and the S20 FE competing at the same price, I’m curious to know how many of our readers jumped for the Pixel 5.

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