Hear from TMV’s Soraya Darabi on how to land your first yes from an investor today at 11 a.m. PT, 2 p.m. ET

Venture capitalist Soraya Darabi of TMV will join us today to discuss strategies early-stage startup founders can deploy to get their first “yes” from an investor — and which founder mistakes often lead her to say “no.”

You’ll need to be an Extra Crunch subscriber to attend, so grab your seat ASAP (we promise, it’s worth it).

Darabi co-founded TMV (formerly Trail Mix Ventures) in 2016 and has built a portfolio that is majority women- and minority-owned, including employee wellness platform Bravely, holistic healthcare company Parsley Health and waste reduction upstart Ridwell. TMV is often the first institutional check a company might raise.

Before TMV, Darabi managed digital partnerships and social media marketing at The New York Times . She also co-founded two companies: Zady, which helps with sustainable fashion manufacturing, and Foodspotting, a visual guide that helps diners find dishes near them (since acquired by OpenTable).

We’ll walk through her theses, which includes future work and edtech, before delving into what she’s looking for from founders in terms of metrics and product.

The growth of accelerators, rolling funds, community funds, hungry angels and institutional investors has given entrepreneurs more options than ever before, but for women and people of color, access to funding continues to be a struggle.

So, learn from her, bring your notebooks, a snack and your questions. As our conversation is only open to Extra Crunch members, please sign up early so you can join us.

Details below the jump: