3 Ways Tourism Hotspots Will Evolve After Lockdown

If Bali is any example, exotic destinations are leaving no innovation unexplored.

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28, 2020

3 min read

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The sector has been one of the most highly impacted industries amidst the pandemic. I’ve wanted to visit my family in for quite some time, and then plan a trip to Bali. To acquaint myself with the current travel scenario, I got in touch with Jason Fong, a chief connect for all major Bali tourism operators popularly known as “The Boss of Bali.” He shared his insights on how tourism hotspots like his beloved Indonesian island will evolve post-lockdown. 

Contact-Tracing Applications 

The first change already emerging is the use of contact-tracing apps The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics recently released a Covid-19 tracking app called PeduliLindungi that provides essential information and notifications of when a person is entering or already within “red zones” of high infection rates. Having worked with every major Bali tourism operator for more than a decade, Fong adds, “The Balinese authorities will take stringent precautions and create a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for travelers.”

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Regulating Tourists

A second development that could see Bali’s tourism landscape change is the newly introduced plan to limit entry onto beaches. Kuta and Sanur beaches have already announced plans to restrict visitors to 75 people. Given that these two sun traps would usually bustle with holidaymakers, they are likely to be reimagined as more contemplative spaces. Fong is well aware that a vacation to Bali is incomplete without its beaches, and reassures that, “Regulating entry into popular beaches would not only help reduce pollution, but would also enable active and other safety measures.”

Luxury Isolation 

The innovative idea of “luxury self-isolation” will also likely rise in popularity. Luxury spas and resorts in Bali have already begun offering self-isolation packages to domestic tourists that include private pools and carefully catered individual meals, all while adhering strictly to social-distancing guidelines. When Bali reopens to foreign travelers again, a two-week quarantine will likely be mandatory, and these packages could prove to be a popular option. 

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While traveling to foreign destinations is restricted at the moment, change remains the only constant. The world is already adapting to the new normal, and the travel industry is no exception.