Xbox Series X mini fridges will become a reality after Microsoft defeats Skittles in Twitter poll – The Verge

If you missed your chance to win the actual Xbox Series X refrigerator born from memes making fun of the console’s fridge-like look, I have some good news for you: there may be another way to get your hands on a Series X-shaped cooling appliance in the future.

Last night, to help Xbox defeat Skittles in the final round of Twitter’s inaugural #BestOfTweets Brand Bracket (yes, you read that right), Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg promised that if Xbox won, Microsoft would make actual Xbox Series X mini fridges. That promise seems to have been enough to give Xbox the edge because Xbox indeed defeated Skittles on Friday morning with 50.5 percent of the vote.

It seems like Microsoft is going to make good on its promise, as Greenberg said that “we will move forward on our promise to make those Xbox Series X Mini Fridges” in a tweet just three minutes after the poll results came through. Skittles will get the first one, he said.

And if you were wondering if this is all some elaborate April Fools’ prank, that’s apparently not the case. Greenberg said the mini fridge promise was “Not an April Fools joke” and “Not clickbait” on Thursday evening. It seems like he’s serious.

Granted, all we know in the immediate aftermath of Xbox’s win is that Microsoft intends to put the fridges “into production” sometime this year. Greenberg hasn’t specified how many fridges the company will make, when you might be able to buy one, or if you’ll even be able to buy one for yourself at all. (Perhaps they will be giveaways, like the full-size fridge.) We’ve asked Microsoft if it can share any specific details, and if it does, we’ll let you know.

Skittles also had put down stakes in a victory, pledging to bring back the lime flavor if it won the competition. The candy brand also assured fans that the promise was “Not an April Fools joke” and “Not clickbait.” I’m really hoping Skittles brings back the lime flavor anyway.