Oklahoma and Texas realign college football — Which college football playoff contenders are helped and hurt? – cleveland.com

COLUMBUS, Ohio — College football is on fire, but what does it mean for the football? The looming move by Oklahoma and Texas out of the Big 12 and into the SEC is about football and money, but not in that order.

The Longhorns haven’t won the Big 12 since 2009. Five other Big 12 schools have won at least a share of a conference title since then. So it’s money first. But on The College Football Playoff Show, we talk football.

On this week’s press conference episode, Shehan Jeyarajah and I took questions from our text subscribers. But it was mostly Shehan who provided the expertise. Based in Texas, and tasked with covering every college football team in Texas for Dave Campell’s Texas Football, Shehan has been in the thick of this news all week. So he was there to provide great insight on things like:

  • Which playoff contenders are hurt most and helped most by this move?
  • Does this guarantee extra playoff spots for the SEC?
  • Will Oklahoma still be a regular playoff team in this new setup?
  • Will Texas finally make a playoff dent as an SEC member?
  • Are we headed toward a completely new alignment of college football that goes beyond conferences?
  • Is this all going to be better for college football, or will it tear it apart?

The College Football Playoff Show is a new twice-a-week podcast all about the playoff. On Wednesday, look for a new episode debating whether Iowa State belongs in the playoff discussion, and ranking the best running backs among the playoff contenders.

Thanks for giving our new pod a chance.

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Previous episodes of the College Football Playoff Show

Is USC a contender? Which contenders have the best receivers?

Q&A: Is Alabama as vulnerable as the Tide will ever be?

Is Texas A&M a contender? Which contenders have the easiest playoff path?