Three Ubisoft executives leave amid misconduct allegations – Engadget

CEO and co-founder Yves Guillemot restated that the relocations were essential to put an end to “poisonous behaviors” and help Ubisoft “enhance and reinforce” its culture. He preserved that the misconduct was in stark opposition to values that he “never jeopardized– and never ever will.”
These additional departures come simply days after a variety of accusations appeared versus many workers throughout Ubisofts offices. The allegations ranged from unwanted sexual advances and intimidation through to abuse, racism and retaliation. A few of the accusers added that HR and management would overlook grievances, making it possible for personnel to continue misconduct.
The unusual weekend timing most likely isnt coincidental. The executive resignations were announced right before Ubisofts Forward display, which takes place today (July 12th) at 3PM ET. In theory, this addresses the core problems afflicting Ubisoft and lets it focus more on upcoming games instead of internal chaos.