A few days ago, Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov released an open letter concerning Apples “30 percent tax on apps.” That consists of a claim that running the app shop does not cost what Apple produces in earnings, which app store charges did not exist in the PC period. Durov included that business likewise can not merely build apps for Android rather, thanks to the large size of iOS set up base.
Its unclear if these arguments, which broadly total up to stating that Apple has too much cash, and is too popular, will carry weight with the EU. If Margrethe Vestager is going to construct a case, she needs to prove that what Apple is doing is suppressing competitors and harming users. However even if Telegrams argument is weak, its clear that every designer with an axe to grind against Apple is going to utilize this as a chance.
Telegram is the latest company to file an EU antitrust complaint against Apple – Engadget