Watch AI-controlled virtual fighters take on an Air Force pilot August 18th – Engadget

DARPA held the 2nd trial in January this year and pitted participants significantly improved algorithms versus AI enemies established by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Both trials were hosted in individual at the APL.
The 3rd trial will be streamed from the APL, as well, with eight groups flying against the labs AI enemy algorithms on the very first day and then versus each other in a round robin competition on the 2nd. Its the first time the participants are pitting their AIs against one another in public.
Col. Dan “Animal” Javorsek, program supervisor in DARPAs Strategic Technology Office, stated in a declaration:
” Regardless of whether the human or device wins the last dogfight, the AlphaDogfight Trials is all about increasing rely on AI. If the champ AI earns the regard of an F-16 pilot, well have come one action more detailed to attaining reliable human-machine teaming in air combat, which is the objective of the ACE program.”
Groups from Aurora Flight Sciences, EpiSys Science, Georgia Tech Research Institute, Heron Systems, Lockheed Martin, Perspecta Labs, PhysicsAI and SoarTech make up the 8 individuals for trial 3. Interested viewers will need to register in advance to able to tune in: US people have up until August 17th to sign up, while everybody else has until August 11th.