I was especially intrigued to see how well Population One works on the Quest 2s mobile hardware, so I made that my lorry of choice throughout my demo. An offline training session helps you find out the standard components of the game: you climb surfaces by holding your virtual hands through them, and moving your controllers turn over hand. Its like climbing a ladder in genuine life, except you can do it almost anywhere. You recover by essentially peeling a banana or popping a can of soda. Reviving gamers includes quickly rubbing two defibrillator paddles together. And weapons need manual reloading, which adds to the immersion throughout heated firefights.
Thankfully, Population One doesnt try to imitate Fortnites vast building features. Rather, you can build simple walls to work as cover, or bridges to cross chasms. You find constructing products throughout the map, along with guns, ammo and shields, so you do not have to invest any time farming resources..
What matters more is that the video game ran efficiently on the Quest 2, with no framerate hiccups or downturn that would make you queasy in VR. I didnt feel much network lag either, which was unexpected since I was playing in my basement, one floor away from my router.
Population One is the best VR battle royale yet – Engadget