Chiefs continue domination over Broncos with 43-16 victory in Denver – KMBC Kansas City

Chiefs continue domination over Broncos with 43-16 victory in Denver

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really. I don’t have any injuries. Toe announced here. So, um all in all, a good football game. I was impressed with all three phases and the job that we did, they’re all three phases contributed. They overcame some things offensively and defensively. Uh, is great to see you get 17 points off turnovers, which I thought was, which is big. Um, Dan Sorenson, I thought, played a heck of a game. And as did Pringle with his return and e thought defensively, we were just sharp, sharp, sharp. They had a couple of runs, but other than that, there wasn’t much there on that. And I think there’s a good football team. E think Vick has done a nice job. It’s tough football team. And sometimes the score isn’t indicative of what the team really is. So, um, I know we have them again, and I know you know will be a knock down drag out then, too. So, um, anyways, I I was impressed all the way around with the bigs upfront on both sides with that time, jurors go first to Matt McMullen. Good men. Hey, Coach. Just as the guy that oversees everything here offense, defense special teams. How exciting was it to score in all three phases tonight? Yeah. No, I love that. I mean, when all three phases can contribute like that, that’s tough to beat. And that’s how the points got where they were. You know, it’s a little bit skewed there, but that wasn’t all offense, but it was everybody contributing. And that’s a big thing for you. If you’re a football team. If one phase isn’t doing as well as’s normal, then another phase picks it up. Or possibly to phase that Z. What the team is all about. Xgo next to Adam Tiger. Good Adam. Andy. A couple things. First of all, why was Pringle back on that kickoff return? What did you guys see? That you made that switch? And, Brad, I’ll have a quick all of us. Well, yeah. So listen. I mean, he was a good player in college with a return game. He was good in preseason. When we did it, he’s healthy. And so we wanted to give him an opportunity back there, uh, to return. You see how he hits it? Um, that becomes important on on, you know, I kickoff return. So but I thought he did a nice job with it. Um, Andi, I mean, he hit it, he hit it hard and fast, but everything else so Okay. And the other thing is, obviously you got Levian Bell involved a little bit. Had a couple of nights runs for you. What were your thoughts on how he played for you today? Yeah. So it was great. You know, it is two fold, because we have both those guys playing. But it was great to get Levian and, um, and get him going. And I thought he was very productive. Um, there a couple of things they’ll learn from just with the offense. Uh, you know, But I think the run game part of it was was excellent. He had good positive yardage on and ran hard. It was great for 25 to Clyde coming off six days rest. I mean, that’s a new you know, That’s a new thing for a rookie. How you’re gonna handle that on I love the way he did. Hey, came out and he you ran hard and had again great production there. Mm. Let’s go next to Mick Schaefer. Good. Mick. Hey, Coach along the lines of all three units scoring for you. Are those plays on a day like this needed? Or did the offense maybe play more conservative once those scores gave you? Gave you that kind of big lead? Yeah. You know, you wanna weigh tryto square every time we have that ball, man. Offensively, Um, it wasn’t going that way. Vic did a nice job on third downs. He blitzed us a little bit and and got us way fixed it the second half, We just didn’t get the same Bledsoe, and we weren’t in that situation. But, um uh, listen, I Aziz many points as you can get on the board in the NFL. That’s a good thing. These teams, there’s two stinking good, and I’ll take them from anywhere. And if if you’re giving me some points, I’ll take my that, uh, you need them in this thing? It’s teams have way too explosive. Go next, Tovar. Goodbye. Hey, Andy. Obviously we’ll take the points anywhere you can get them, but doesn’t have any particular meaning to you To see guys to undrafted free agents have those big touchdowns today on the team of you know, guys who have a little higher profiles on those two. Yeah. Listen to my favorite guys, man. They play, they come show up every day. Um, non scholarship. It was like San Francisco State non scholarship program. So they came in on not on scholarship, and they end up burning it and write. So they did a great job. Exactly. Yeah, the next tonight, Haley putting it. And my question is somewhat of a follow up Tova Hayes. But considering that Patrick arguably and reasonably so, it gets much of the attention on the team. What does it say? That he can look out and see that his teammates, uh, can perform at such a high level where he doesn’t have to be? Ah, superstar. Every game. Yeah. You know, Nate, I deal with them every day, and also he wants to do is win. I mean, it’s crazy for being just what you’re saying. I mean, you know how he always wire, but e I mean, that’s that’s what’s really every day now he wants toe rip your heart out when he’s out there playing, and he wants to do well and do all that, Um when when other people he you know? I mean, when other people are scoring, he’s jumping up and down likewise. So it doesn’t, um he just wants to win. And that’s that’s the beauty of Yeah, a time for a few more will go right down the line. Sam, Pete and then Sam. Go ahead, Sam McDowell, and, um, a couple of weeks ago against the Raiders, your defense took some heat for the way they played in that game. Back to back games. Now just 16 points each. Four turnovers today. Could you send something coming off of that Raiders game whether it being practiced that next week or a meeting or something, that these guys were gonna bounce back in the way that they have? Yeah. I don’t think we none of us, coach very well. None of us played very well in that game. And so I thought it was, uh, you know, I could definitely sense it on the defensive side where they wanted to put the hammer down and do better the great focus there. Um, stag has done a nice job, as the other coaches have. And, um, you got a lot of proud players there, so they you know they really bear down. And a couple of nice games here. It’s gonna compete. Sweeney good. Beat grass on the winning coach were to ask this question such a dominating game. But it seemed like there was a little bit of love for the offense in the middle of the game. How important was it to get things going? Get that touchdown with Tyreke toward the end before you switched out for Chad. Henny? Yeah. So we had a couple of them right there, and that was good. Thio, get those, um, you know, and and then we were ableto get down there and drive. We need to do better in the red zone is what we need to do. We drove down the length of the field. Didn’t do very well once we were there. So, um, but points points in this game, we’re important. I thought it was good to get a couple touchdowns in there mixed in there, but, um, so I’m just glad. Listen, way too competitive in this league, so I’m I’m not resting on all that. We’ll get better. We’ll get better, will correct the mistakes and get better. Um, you know, it starts with May on dso way role and get things corrected up. Go to San Melanie with the last one. Good. Sam. Andy, Um, I realized you guys won the Super Bowl last year, right? And I might be setting myself up here because I don’t think this this is necessarily the way you think. But it seems like this group has so many different ways toe win a game. I’m just curious if you think this has the chance the potential to be the most complete team that that you’ve had here, I think time dwells on those things. You know, um, every week. Such a challenge in this league, there’s so much parity in the league. Onda Uh, yeah, I’ve heard people say When they’re watching the college game, they go, Well, you know, we got one good game here. One good game there you turn on the NFL in every game is a good game. It’s just how it rolls because of the parody within the league. So, um, you have to be on every week, and that’s the challenge. You know, that’s the challenge. Expectations were high amongst our players amongst the coaches, and how do you sustain that? How do you keep that rolling? You know eso its character and the test You there and you gotta bear down every week to do that. Coach, we appreciate the time. Thanks for joining us. I appreciate you guys. Thank you. Got Byron Pringle coming up next. Mhm. I think so. Hey, Byron, are you ready for? Yes, sir. How you doing? Good. Good. We’ll get started with Pete Sweeney. Good. Pete. Hey, Byron, Congrats on the win. I was wondering if you could just as detailed as you can break down what you were seeing on long touchdown. Uh, when they kick the ball to my new was going. All right, uh, I just took a full advantage of my opportunities being back there for one being as the kickoff returning for this game. And, uh, I knew I was gonna hit it hard, and it once I seen the whole break open up. I just ran through a power and I knew I had two dudes backside make miss. And once I made a miss, I just ran into the touchdown. I wasn’t looking back. Go next to mix Schaefer. Good. Mick. Alright. I gotta ask if you’re inspired by Phillip Brooks and your case staters yesterday in the Sunflower showed it on on all those kickoff or kick returns. Yes, sir. I’ve been I’ve been watching Phillip Brooks since last year. Him youngblood Mean? Josh, Young blood. And once I seen a record Hey, broke yesterday. Hey, had to returns for 1 81 89. I’m like, man, he’s something special in, uh, is good. Kansas State’s still keeping the thing rolling and keep keep going. Wanna know? Every week, the next to Matt. Derek. Good met. Hey, Byron. I wonder if you could tell us what you know what you saw on the Pont that you’re able to down outside the one. And how much have you guys been putting attention on that the last few weeks with, you know, having somebody touchbacks going into the end zone way. Never stop working on it. And me, especially because, uh, like last year in the Super Bowl, I miss one in the Super Bowl, and, uh, I told myself next time I’m I’m able toe be able to throw it back in into the field of play. I’m gonna do the best I can get it back. Thio my other 10 players on the field and, uh, when the returner was blocking me, I knew you were gonna block me for that long. And, uh, once I see the ball take a bounce, I knew it was coming back towards me, so I just picked it up. And I’ll also happy I made that play and I know I know Costa happy, too, because I missed part of them. Let’s go next to Blair Kerkhoff. Good. Blair Byron. You had the big reception at Buffalo last week, and now the special teams play today. I just want to know how important is it for you to take advantage of these opportunities, opportunity or something? Something I always take take full advantage off coming in like coming. Like going to juco. I took full advantage of that opportunity in playing, being able to play for Bill Snyder. I took full advantage of that opportunity, not only just a za football player, but as a student as well, getting a bit 12 commissioner on the role and and coming in here in Kansas City and having the opportunity to me, there’s this opportunity being ableto come here and showcase my talent. And whenever my name called, I’m just gonna give it my all good time for a couple of guys we’re gonna donate. And then Adam, go ahead and eight. Hey, Barry. But I just wanted to ask you what was the best? Our favorite thing you heard from your teammates after your kickoff. Return for a touchdown. Oh, man. You run like a horseman. You hit that thing, you hit, you hit it fast. And, uh, that’s something I always doing practice, and it’s just translated to the game. Every time I’m back at practice, I hit it hard because I never know when my my name, my name will be called to go back in return. Adam Tighter to close out. Good. Adam. Hey, Byron. After the plays, you may just curious on special teams. Just curious whether you felt like you left anything out on the field tonight or you pretty satisfied with you took advantage of all the opportunities you had today. I’m not. I’m not satisfied. Uh, but when the dude muffed a punt, I wish I would have been able to recover that, And that’s about it. I wish I took advantage of that month planting and recovered it. Five team Byron, we appreciate the time. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate your guy. Alright, guys, we’ve got tired. Matthew coming up next. Uh huh. Alright, T right before us. Let’s czart with Sam McDowell. Good. Sam. Hey, Tired. Um, I asked Andy this, but also curious of your opinion two weeks ago, obviously you guys took some heat for the way you played against the Raiders. Do you feel like the way that you guys have played in the two ensuing games and buffalo and then today has anything to do with maybe some motivation or just not liking the way you played two weeks ago? I mean, you know, it’s football players always good when you have a challenge in front of you, you know, especially one that you can see. So I think for us, it’s all about us. You know, obviously, you know, learning from the Raiders game, um, then putting our head down and just going to work. I think as long as we play discipline sound, you know, trustworthy football um, there’s not many teams that can, you know, affect us in a negative way, you know? So I thought the last couple weeks, obviously, you know, we’ve been taking some steps in the in the right direction. Um, you know, But we still got a long season ahead of us, so I think the sense of urgency, you know, it’s faras, you know, us playing consistent at all times. Andi. Even throughout this game, he knows a lot of junk yard is that they was able to kind of, you know, and even some touch now that they were able to put up that, that we got to do a good job off, you know, limited. You know, going forward. Let’s go next to Todd LeBeau. Good Dad. Retiring a couple of questions here If you could take me through what you saw on dance play where he picked it off and ran it back and then just take us through your interception, getting the ball to bounce stuff. Yeah, Well, if I tell you what happened with Dan play, uh, that I mean, I was I wasn’t doing my job because we was all in man to man coverage. And so But I did kind of see Dan jumping in front of route. And, you know, I think that’s that’s what we expect from Dan. You know, he’s a guy that studied really hard. Um, he’s a guy that’s always prepared, Um, and, you know, he’s always clutch, you know? He’s always stepping up, making those big time plays, you know, when we really need it. What was the second part? I’m sorry. Try to get you on your here one second. All right. Give it a shot. Yeah. Way may have to come back to that one time, and I think we’re having some problems here. Let’s shift to Nate Taylor. Good night. Don’t worry. I got time for you the first. His last question was about your interception. Tyrant. Can you just walk us through that then, right? I’ll ask my question. Oh, my interception. I was just on the outside leverage. Um, you know, coverage. Um, uh, you know, I think any time you know, receiver, you know, doesn’t catch the ball or tips in the air. You know, it just gives me the opportunity to make the play. But, um, obviously, you know, you expect the NFL receiver to come down with that catch, but, uh, you know I’m glad he didn’t. And then my question tiring is obviously everybody. Last year new, you created the mantra of championship swagger, particularly in road games. I just wondered, how much has the swagger developed or changed this year? Depending on you guys in your to in this defense? Yeah. I mean, well, you know, this is a This is a new season, and I think you have toe, you know, build your way to, you know, championship talking championship swagger. So, um, you know, I think these last two games that we’ve been able to put together I do feel us tapping back in tow to that mantra to that attitude to that standard. So, like I said, we still got a long season ahead of us. Got some big games coming up. Ondas gonna really prove who we are, you know, as a defense. So I’m just looking forward to us stepping up, coming to work, you know, each and every day. You know, with that energy, that attitude, you know, just just just wanna have fun. You know, I wanted to play hard for the guy next to you. A time for a couple of my guys were, You know, Adam Tyson and same Villager Adam. Hey, tire in a couple of things real quick. First of all, um, Nate asked you about maybe your swagger on the road. You guys have been really a better road team. Thin the home team since you’ve been here. Do you have anything you can put your finger on as to why? And also is a guy who’s played against Levian Bell before What the Chiefs getting from your perspective on a player like that? Yeah, I think every game is important. You know, obviously, you know, you have the home field advantage factor, you know, you’re playing at home, and then when you go on the road is all about your team is all about the teammates, is all about the locker room. It’s all about the energy is all about the attitude that that we’re willing toe, you know, embrace, you know, and I think we’re doing a good job of that. You know, I think our coaches do a good job of, you know, always, you know, putting challenges in front of us, putting things in front us that we can work on that we can focus on that can really get us better, you know, as a unit. Um, I thought I actually liked what I saw. You know, I leave you on the day, um, you know, I know he’s still getting back into it, you know, it’s his first game with us, but, I mean, you could tell right off the bat that this guy knows what he’s doing, you know, with the football in his hand. And, you know, I saw him made a one good run a day, made a couple guys miss and s o I mean, we’ll be expecting for him toe make some really, really big place for us. Going forward. Glass of Sam Ehlinger. Good. Sam, Uh, tiring you and some of your teammates on defense of talk, sometimes of of one to sort of not in a bad way, but emerged from the shadow of the offense. Rightto be a reason that the team wins. Take pride in that. I’m just wondering, Is that still a thing or do you feel like that’s been established? And and people know that by now? Yeah, I think you know, obviously, you know, we have a great offense, you know, I think any time the opportunity presents itself us to stand up, you know, make a stand, make players give give the offense opportunities toe to score. You know, even when those guys may not be clicking all the cylinders that that they would like. Um, so I mean, we take great pride, and I think that starts with, you know, obviously, you know, coach bags. You know, I think me and him are kind of the same. You know, we take everything so personal, you know, and so but I think it does the group. Well, you know, I think you know, it’s obviously having a chip on our shoulder, you know, not necessarily want to be the little brother, but wanting to be the reason I wanted to be part of the reason why you know, the Kansas City Chiefs are a great team, and so we’re still working towards that. We’re still building towards that, but I think any time you have a performance like this where you can step up as a defense, I think it just says confidence, you know, through the whole locker room that you know, each unit can trust each other each unit can feed off each other and grow off each other. Tyron, we appreciate the time. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Patrick Mahomes is up next. Mhm. Speak. Yeah. Hey, Patrick, you ready for us? Yes, I’m ready. All right. Let’s get started with Pete Swinney. But it Patrick, congratulations on the win. I want to ask you about Clyde and Levian. Um, Eric, the enemy said this week this is gonna be a thunder and lightning type deal. This was the first look at what they’re going to be. How did you feel? Went. And what did you see from Levian in particular? Yeah. I mean, I thought they did Well, I mean, I thought Clyde obviously continue Thio put up tough runs and these long runs and being able to break tackles and do that different type of stuff. I thought Lady on did a great job coming in. I mean, off a week of practice where you only get a couple of days pretty much and then to be able to step right and have a few big runs and then really get his get his footing. Obviously. I mean, there’s still a little details. Get the work out here and there. But for someone to come in and have the success like that early, I mean, it’s definitely excited. It’s the next to her. B t o p got Herbie. Hey, Patrick, you’re obviously the face of the franchise. But what does this say about this team? When when they don’t necessarily have to rely on your arm every week and you see all three phases of the game clicking like this Definitely nice for me. I mean, it’s nice that we’ll be ableto go out there and win in several different ways, and I think we kind of found are putting on that at the end of last year. And it’s kind of continuing to this this year and, uh, way kind of feel the temperature of the game offense, defense, special teams and and obviously we want to square every drive. But it’s not there, and the defense is playing like it’s plan today. Don’t don’t make anything worse and just just punt and let the special things work and then let the defense go out there. Make place. Let’s go next to make Schaefer Brudnick. Yeah, along the same lines there, Patrick everybody’s wanting to talk about how how do you guys combat? The way that teams were playing you defensively is the best way to combat that, running the football and you guys have being so good the last few years on third downs. Seeing and operate today is, is that kind of stick in your craw a little bit? Yeah, I think I just didn’t have answers in certain situations. They brought a few cover zero pressures. They brought a few things that we’ve had success on this year, especially, and I didn’t have the right answer at the right time. And then we didn’t execute at a high enough level a zone offense to go out there and continue to move the ball. I mean, we had times we’re moving. It very seemed like very easily, But then we kind of stall out. And so, uh, um, this stuff that we could get better at. I mean, whenever you’re you feel like you don’t play a great game offensively and you win by 27 or whatever it was points. I mean, it’s a good feeling. So, uh um, Win’s a win and we’ll move on to the next one and know that we have to go out and play the best football this next week. It’s good next to Neat Taylor. Good night. Actually, I’ve actually this before, but can you walk or can you explain just a feeling in the second quarter when the game is somewhat tight and then there’s a touchdown return? There’s a pick six. You don’t have the ball much like you mentioned. Just what is that feeling like on the bench? Just watching your teammates thrive? Yeah, I mean, it’s it’s definitely an awesome feeling. I mean, to see guys like Dan make a big Tom pick, uh, get to the end of the Pringle to get back there and, uh, to make that return. I mean, he hit that thing like he’s back a k state eso. He’s, uh it’s cool. Obviously you wanna be out there playing, but it got us a big lead, and it kind of changed the tempo of the game. Andi, I thought we started kind of offensively go back offensive. We started off really hot, and then we kind of have that long low. And then we didn’t kind of combat and come back with the same energy that we needed. And so, uh, learning from this man a learning experience and knowing when you have that long break during a game like that, being able to be better on the other side of it, let’s go next to Harold Kuhn Squid Harold. Hey, Patrick, When it comes to get you got sacked, I think four times today I noticed what was going on with the communication there. It seemed like one play bell is going on your screen and kind of just let it slide and the guy’s got to you and you look a little frustrated, too. But how did that just affect you throughout the game? Yeah, there was one of them was cover zero pressure and they held it. Disguise it very well on bats, just like a little detail. I mean, he got his eyes around, but I wasn’t sure if he was gonna be able to see and recognized it. And so just kind of building that chemistry with him on that it wasn’t It wasn’t a screen, anything like that. But he was kind of the hot throw in that situation, and I didn’t trust it and give him the chance to make the play. And then we had a miscue at one point, the office line. And then, uh, the one we didn’t get the right protection that we kind of put Kaiser a bad situation, being one of 11 of the best pass rushers. Um and then that’s on me and not Mike and it the right way. And so there’s this different things that we got to be better at. And so, uh, definitely a great learning experience. Um, but hopefully we can we continue to get better and better each and every week. Let’s go back to Sam Ehlinger. Good Sam A Patrick. I don’t know if this is a weird thing to ask you, like, right after the game, but I’m just wondering if you can think of like, do you see an evolution in the team? You know, your teammates other than you from 2000 and 18 when it seemed like it was just this narrow way for you guys to win, just score boatload of points, right? And then you have all these different ways. I’m just curious if you see an evolution of just the way that you guys can can win ballgames them 100%. I mean, a Sfar as our team. I mean, guys really just continue to work and continue to battle. I mean, we obviously didn’t play offensively the way we wanted to, Um, but God continue to work. Continued to press on, press on until we gotta kind of touch down there at the end. And so, um, it’s something that I’ve learned in my career so far. I mean, obviously, I was talking to tired about it after the game, actually, before he came out here, I was like, young Patrick would probably try to force it and throwing, throwing a ball, and maybe he made a bad interception or something like that. Whereas now, uh, seeing the way the defense is playing on not knowing that it’s not there, uh, just kind of taking, uh either Taking the sack are not complete in the past and throwing it away where it’s not gonna be intercept herbal. And so you you have to learn ways to win in this league. It’s not always gonna be 400 passing yards or 200 rushing yards or whatever it is, it’s gonna be uh, finding ways to win. And I think this team is in a great job of doing that. Go to Matt. Derek with the last one. Good. Matt. Hey, Patrick. It looked like one of the bigger celebrations of the day was there at the end when Chad got into the end zone and that was his first rushing touchdown in eight years. So how big was it? I mean, how much does that just do for the offenses? Morale and camaraderie when you get in a moment like that? Yeah. I mean, this is a brotherhood. I mean, from from the first guy on this roster all the way down to the last guy on this roster, we really support each other, and we’re gonna go out there and show that same support no matter what the situation is, no matter who’s in the game on DSO. I think that’s why you have such a great chemistry in this locker room and why people could come in and they didn’t know that we’re all competing to be the best and help each other. I’ll be the best. And so, uh, to see a guy like chat, I mean, he puts in the work every single day. He’s there at least as much as I am, and he’s putting in the time for being prepared for moments like these on for him to be able to make a big play and the fourth quarter, that game, I mean, it was it was a sweet moment and, uh, something that I’m sure he’ll appreciate.

Chiefs continue domination over Broncos with 43-16 victory in Denver

The Kansas City Chiefs didn’t need the usual heroics from Patrick Mahomes to rout the Denver Broncos 43-16 Sunday for their 10th straight win over their AFC West rivals.The Chiefs (6-1) found other ways to dominate Denver (2-4) on a snowy afternoon that began with a temperature of 14 degrees at kickoff. Kansas City took a 24-9 halftime lead even though Mahomes completed just one pass in the second quarter, a 5-yarder, and had just 99 yards through the air in the first half.Mahomes finally extended his NFL-leading streak to 17 consecutive games with a touchdown throw when he hit Tyreek Hill from 10 yards with 11 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter.That made it 37-9 and compelled Broncos pass rusher Bradley Chubb to blow up at his teammates on the sideline.Mahomes’ TD throw to Hill followed the Chiefs’ fourth takeaway, an interception by Tyrann Mathieu when rookie KJ Hamler let Drew Lock’s pass bounce off him and right into the arms of the Chiefs star cornerback.Mahomes finished a methodical 15 of 23 for 200 yards and a touchdown with no interceptions and four sacks.A week after the Chiefs ran more times than they threw it for the first time in Andy Reid’s eight seasons in Kansas City, it was K.C.’s ground game, special teams and defense that did the damage in Denver in the NFL’s first snow game of 2020.In the first half, the Chiefs scored touchdowns on Byron Pringle’s 102-yard kickoff return and Daniel Sorensen’s 50-yard interception return to go with Clyde Edwards-Helaire’s 11-yard run in which he broke five tackles.Edwards-Hilaire carved his way through a wall of Denver defenders to open the scoring on a snowy, freezing afternoon. Running up the middle, the rookie plowed through linebacker Alexander Johnson and defensive backs Kareem Jackson, Bryce Callahan, Justin Simmons and Michael Ojemudia like a bowling ball knocking down pins.The Broncos responded with Lock’s first career touchdown run, from 2 yards, but Brandon McManus missed the extra point, leaving Kansas City ahead 7-6.Sorensen jumped the route and picked off Lock’s throw to tight end Noah Fant at midfield and trotted into the end zone for a 17-6 lead.After McManus’ 43-yard field goal, Pringle took the kickoff 2 yards deep and ran trough Denver’s poor coverage to make it 24-9.This game marked the first time running backs Melvin Gordon and Phillip Lindsay were both healthy since the opener, but Lindsay went out with a concussion just before halftime after gaining 79 yards on nine carries. He didn’t return. Gordon, who missed last week’s win at New England with strep throat a few days after his arrest for driving under the influence, turned the ball over on a failed flea flicker on Denver’s first drive of the second half.Gordon, who also lost a fumble in the first half, overthrew Lock on his toss-back and Frank Clark recovered for Kansas City. That takeaway led to a field goal and a 27-9 lead.Gordon’s short TD run in the closing minutes made it 37-16. Le’Veon Bell ran six times for 39 yards in his Chiefs debut, and Edwards-Helaire had 46 yards on eight carries.LIVE GAME BLOG6:25 p.m. — It’s over. The Kansas City Chiefs have won their 10th straight game over the Broncos with a 43-16 victory over Denver.6:15 p.m. — Backup quarterback Chad Henne gets into the end zone. The Chiefs have utterly dominated and destroyed the Denver Broncos on their home field. It’s now 43-16 with 2:58 left in the game.5:55 p.m. — The Broncos punch one into the end zone to cut the Chiefs lead to 37-16. Patrick Mahomes is done for the day and the Chiefs are getting plenty of reserves some playing time.5:51 p.m. — That’s 17 straight games with a touchdown pass for Patrick Mahomes. He connects with Tyreek Hill for a touchdown. The Chiefs now lead 37-9.5:45 p.m. — We head to the fourth quarter at Mile High. The Chiefs lead the Broncos 30-9. Patrick Mahomes has thrown for 144 yards and still has yet to throw a touchdown pass, but the Chiefs have scored a defensive touchdown and brought a kick back for a score.5:37 p.m. — The Chiefs can’t get into the end zone (again) and are forced to settle for a field goal (again). Harison Butker drills a 26-yarder. Kansas City extends its lead to 30-9 with 2 minutes left in the third quarter.5:19 p.m. — The Chiefs extend their lead to 27-9 after Harrison Butker drills a 31-yard field goal. The Chiefs had a great opportunity to put the game away after Frank Clark recovered a fumble at the Broncos’ 19-yard line. But the Chiefs couldn’t covert and had to settle for the field goal.5 p.m. — Patrick Mahomes has a lot of scoring help in the snowy conditions.The Kansas City Chiefs have scored in every phase while amassing a 24-9 lead over the Denver Broncos in the first half.Clyde Edwards-Helaire led off the scoring with an 11-yard TD run in the first quarter. Then, safety Daniel Sorensen picked off Broncos QB Drew Lock and returned it 50 yards for a score.Midway through the second quarter, Byron Pringle was barely even touched in returning a kick 102 yards for a touchdown. He started right, cut back left and was off to the races. The only one close to catching Pringle was teammate Marcus Kemp.4:55 p.m. — The Chiefs have scored on offense, defense and special teams to lead AFC West rival Denver 24-9 at halftime at Empower Field at Mile High.Patrick Mahomes is 7 of 11 for 99 yards, and Clyde Edwards-Helaire leads the Chiefs on the ground with five rushes for 44 yards. Mecole Hardman leads the Chiefs in receiving with two catches for 57 yards.On the flip side, the Chiefs have given up 121 yards rushing on defense but have given Broncos quarterback Drew Lock fits. Lock is 11 of 20 for 132 yards and a pick six. He’s also been sacked three times by the Chiefs defense.In his first game in a Chiefs uniform, Le’Veon Bell has three rushes for 19 yards, including a 16-yard rush.4:35 p.m. — The Chiefs are getting it done on all aspects of the game. After giving up a field goal, K-State grad Byron Pringle brings a kickoff back 102 yards for a touchdown. Pringle did a great job of following his blocking, but he also showed a lot of explosion and speed. The Chiefs lead the Broncos 24-9 late in the second quarter.4:26 p.m. — After the pick six, Denver moves the ball well on offense, but the Broncos stall out just outside of the red zone. Brandon McManus hits a 43-yard field goal to cut the Chiefs lead to 17-9.4:20 p.m. — Daniel Sorensen picks off Drew Lock and races 50 yards for the pick six. The Chiefs defense had given up some big runs on the drive, but Sorensen’s interception gives Kansas City some momentum and a 17-6 lead.4:11 p.m. — The Chiefs are not able to make anything off a Denver turnover at midfield. The Broncos have sacked Patrick Mahomes twice already in the first half. The Broncos front four are giving the Chiefs offensive line fits.3:58 p.m. — After marching into the red zone, the Chiefs offense stalls out. But the Chiefs take 10-6 lead with 2:04 left in the first quarter after a 40-yard Harrison Butker field goal.3:56 p.m. — There was a lot of talk this week about when Mecole Hardman was going to finally have a breakout game this season. He must have been listening. Hardman has a 13-yard run and two receptions for 57 yards.3:54 p.m. — Welcome to KC, Le’Veon Bell! Bell gets his first touch in a Chiefs uniform and goes for 17 yards. 3:45 p.m. — After a big catch and run, Chiefs tight end Nick Keizer fumbles the ball to give it to the Broncos at the Kansas City 37. The Broncos cash in on the opportunity on a Drew Lock touchdown run, but Denver misses the point after attempt. The Chiefs still lead 7-6 with 6:04 left in the first quarter.3:43 p.m. — The Chiefs defense gets the Broncos off the field again after another three-and-out.3:40 p.m. — The Chiefs jump out to an early 7-0 with an impressive first drive. Mecole Hardman had a big catch and a big run, and Clyde Edwards-Helaire scores on an 11-yard touchdown run to give Kansas City the lead. 3:30 p.m. — The Chiefs force a three and out on the Broncos first drive. The Chiefs did a very good job in pass coverage and got some early pressure on Drew Lock. He did not look comfortable at all in that first drive.2:20 p.m. — The Chiefs will be without receiver Sammy Watkins, running back Darwin Thompson, linebacker Darius Harris, offensive tackle Mitchell Schwartz, tight end Ricky Seals-Jones and defensive end Taco Charlton in Sunday’s game against the Broncos.

The Kansas City Chiefs didn’t need the usual heroics from Patrick Mahomes to rout the Denver Broncos 43-16 Sunday for their 10th straight win over their AFC West rivals.

The Chiefs (6-1) found other ways to dominate Denver (2-4) on a snowy afternoon that began with a temperature of 14 degrees at kickoff.

Kansas City took a 24-9 halftime lead even though Mahomes completed just one pass in the second quarter, a 5-yarder, and had just 99 yards through the air in the first half.

Mahomes finally extended his NFL-leading streak to 17 consecutive games with a touchdown throw when he hit Tyreek Hill from 10 yards with 11 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter.

That made it 37-9 and compelled Broncos pass rusher Bradley Chubb to blow up at his teammates on the sideline.

Mahomes’ TD throw to Hill followed the Chiefs’ fourth takeaway, an interception by Tyrann Mathieu when rookie KJ Hamler let Drew Lock’s pass bounce off him and right into the arms of the Chiefs star cornerback.

Mahomes finished a methodical 15 of 23 for 200 yards and a touchdown with no interceptions and four sacks.

A week after the Chiefs ran more times than they threw it for the first time in Andy Reid’s eight seasons in Kansas City, it was K.C.’s ground game, special teams and defense that did the damage in Denver in the NFL’s first snow game of 2020.

In the first half, the Chiefs scored touchdowns on Byron Pringle’s 102-yard kickoff return and Daniel Sorensen’s 50-yard interception return to go with Clyde Edwards-Helaire’s 11-yard run in which he broke five tackles.

Edwards-Hilaire carved his way through a wall of Denver defenders to open the scoring on a snowy, freezing afternoon.

Running up the middle, the rookie plowed through linebacker Alexander Johnson and defensive backs Kareem Jackson, Bryce Callahan, Justin Simmons and Michael Ojemudia like a bowling ball knocking down pins.

The Broncos responded with Lock’s first career touchdown run, from 2 yards, but Brandon McManus missed the extra point, leaving Kansas City ahead 7-6.

Sorensen jumped the route and picked off Lock’s throw to tight end Noah Fant at midfield and trotted into the end zone for a 17-6 lead.

After McManus’ 43-yard field goal, Pringle took the kickoff 2 yards deep and ran trough Denver’s poor coverage to make it 24-9.

This game marked the first time running backs Melvin Gordon and Phillip Lindsay were both healthy since the opener, but Lindsay went out with a concussion just before halftime after gaining 79 yards on nine carries. He didn’t return.

Gordon, who missed last week’s win at New England with strep throat a few days after his arrest for driving under the influence, turned the ball over on a failed flea flicker on Denver’s first drive of the second half.

Gordon, who also lost a fumble in the first half, overthrew Lock on his toss-back and Frank Clark recovered for Kansas City. That takeaway led to a field goal and a 27-9 lead.

Gordon’s short TD run in the closing minutes made it 37-16.

Le’Veon Bell ran six times for 39 yards in his Chiefs debut, and Edwards-Helaire had 46 yards on eight carries.

6:25 p.m. — It’s over. The Kansas City Chiefs have won their 10th straight game over the Broncos with a 43-16 victory over Denver.

6:15 p.m. — Backup quarterback Chad Henne gets into the end zone. The Chiefs have utterly dominated and destroyed the Denver Broncos on their home field. It’s now 43-16 with 2:58 left in the game.

5:55 p.m. — The Broncos punch one into the end zone to cut the Chiefs lead to 37-16. Patrick Mahomes is done for the day and the Chiefs are getting plenty of reserves some playing time.

5:51 p.m. — That’s 17 straight games with a touchdown pass for Patrick Mahomes. He connects with Tyreek Hill for a touchdown. The Chiefs now lead 37-9.

5:45 p.m. — We head to the fourth quarter at Mile High. The Chiefs lead the Broncos 30-9. Patrick Mahomes has thrown for 144 yards and still has yet to throw a touchdown pass, but the Chiefs have scored a defensive touchdown and brought a kick back for a score.

5:37 p.m. — The Chiefs can’t get into the end zone (again) and are forced to settle for a field goal (again). Harison Butker drills a 26-yarder. Kansas City extends its lead to 30-9 with 2 minutes left in the third quarter.

5:19 p.m. — The Chiefs extend their lead to 27-9 after Harrison Butker drills a 31-yard field goal. The Chiefs had a great opportunity to put the game away after Frank Clark recovered a fumble at the Broncos’ 19-yard line. But the Chiefs couldn’t covert and had to settle for the field goal.

5 p.m. — Patrick Mahomes has a lot of scoring help in the snowy conditions.

The Kansas City Chiefs have scored in every phase while amassing a 24-9 lead over the Denver Broncos in the first half.

Clyde Edwards-Helaire led off the scoring with an 11-yard TD run in the first quarter. Then, safety Daniel Sorensen picked off Broncos QB Drew Lock and returned it 50 yards for a score.

Midway through the second quarter, Byron Pringle was barely even touched in returning a kick 102 yards for a touchdown. He started right, cut back left and was off to the races. The only one close to catching Pringle was teammate Marcus Kemp.

4:55 p.m. — The Chiefs have scored on offense, defense and special teams to lead AFC West rival Denver 24-9 at halftime at Empower Field at Mile High.

Patrick Mahomes is 7 of 11 for 99 yards, and Clyde Edwards-Helaire leads the Chiefs on the ground with five rushes for 44 yards. Mecole Hardman leads the Chiefs in receiving with two catches for 57 yards.

On the flip side, the Chiefs have given up 121 yards rushing on defense but have given Broncos quarterback Drew Lock fits. Lock is 11 of 20 for 132 yards and a pick six. He’s also been sacked three times by the Chiefs defense.

In his first game in a Chiefs uniform, Le’Veon Bell has three rushes for 19 yards, including a 16-yard rush.

4:35 p.m. — The Chiefs are getting it done on all aspects of the game. After giving up a field goal, K-State grad Byron Pringle brings a kickoff back 102 yards for a touchdown. Pringle did a great job of following his blocking, but he also showed a lot of explosion and speed. The Chiefs lead the Broncos 24-9 late in the second quarter.

4:26 p.m. — After the pick six, Denver moves the ball well on offense, but the Broncos stall out just outside of the red zone. Brandon McManus hits a 43-yard field goal to cut the Chiefs lead to 17-9.

4:20 p.m. — Daniel Sorensen picks off Drew Lock and races 50 yards for the pick six. The Chiefs defense had given up some big runs on the drive, but Sorensen’s interception gives Kansas City some momentum and a 17-6 lead.

4:11 p.m. — The Chiefs are not able to make anything off a Denver turnover at midfield. The Broncos have sacked Patrick Mahomes twice already in the first half. The Broncos front four are giving the Chiefs offensive line fits.

3:58 p.m. — After marching into the red zone, the Chiefs offense stalls out. But the Chiefs take 10-6 lead with 2:04 left in the first quarter after a 40-yard Harrison Butker field goal.

3:56 p.m. — There was a lot of talk this week about when Mecole Hardman was going to finally have a breakout game this season. He must have been listening. Hardman has a 13-yard run and two receptions for 57 yards.

3:54 p.m. — Welcome to KC, Le’Veon Bell! Bell gets his first touch in a Chiefs uniform and goes for 17 yards.

3:45 p.m. — After a big catch and run, Chiefs tight end Nick Keizer fumbles the ball to give it to the Broncos at the Kansas City 37. The Broncos cash in on the opportunity on a Drew Lock touchdown run, but Denver misses the point after attempt. The Chiefs still lead 7-6 with 6:04 left in the first quarter.

3:43 p.m. — The Chiefs defense gets the Broncos off the field again after another three-and-out.

3:40 p.m. — The Chiefs jump out to an early 7-0 with an impressive first drive. Mecole Hardman had a big catch and a big run, and Clyde Edwards-Helaire scores on an 11-yard touchdown run to give Kansas City the lead.

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3:30 p.m. — The Chiefs force a three and out on the Broncos first drive. The Chiefs did a very good job in pass coverage and got some early pressure on Drew Lock. He did not look comfortable at all in that first drive.

2:20 p.m. — The Chiefs will be without receiver Sammy Watkins, running back Darwin Thompson, linebacker Darius Harris, offensive tackle Mitchell Schwartz, tight end Ricky Seals-Jones and defensive end Taco Charlton in Sunday’s game against the Broncos.