Destiny 2
On the eve of the last reset before the launch of Beyond Light a week from tomorrow in Destiny 2, I figured I’d go back a long, long time to focus on a rather funny question that has popped into my mind recently.
Since the launch of Destiny 2, what has been one fan request of Bungie that has gone unfulfilled this entire time, and does not appear to be getting addressed any time soon in the future? Bungie is usually good about listening to Destiny 2 fans, but three requests come to mind specifically that I have been hearing I believe essentially since Destiny 2 launched, and yet to this day, we have no comment on possible changes coming. Here are my three picks:
Speed Of Rift/Barricade Deploy Speed
I mean, how many times has this been a top voted reddit thread at this point? Dozens, hundreds of times easily. While Hunters feel like their dodge is an instant, split-second maneuver, there is a lag delay in both the rift and barricade for Warlocks and Titans that has always felt somewhat uncomfortable.
I’m not sure if this is a balance thing, that instant healing or protection would just be too strong if it was sped up, but it seems at least worth tinkering with, and I don’t think we’ve ever actually seen that happen. It could also boost the effectiveness of exotics that use those skills, and now new aspects and fragments for Stasis that do as well (freezing rift!). And yet, nothing, all this time.
Destiny 2
Non-Consumable Shaders
Once upon a time, I believe that the idea of consumable shaders was supposed to do two things: A) encourage more Eververse purchases and B) create shaders as an endgame pursuit so you’d want to run raids multiple times to get more shaders.
Both of these, of course, were stupid, and were negated when the concept of collections came out which let you pull any amount of shaders you wanted for a small price. And yet we have yet to see a grand redesign of the shader system to go back to something more similar to Destiny 1 where these were not consumable at all, and this is even with transmog coming. We have heard more about transmog itself than we have any possible rework of the shader system, even though it seems like those should be coming hand in hand.
Destiny 2
Auto-Dismantle Blues
At one point that Destiny 1 did have auto-dismantle for a level of lower tier loot, but Destiny 2 has never had it, despite every activity in the game giving you 2-4 blues and making you dismantle them or head to your postmaster to dismantle them between activities.
Lately, I have seen a lot of raging players lose a lot of Prisms and Shards in the postmaster because they ran a single strike and a bunch of blues went to their postmaster and pushed them into oblivion. This is a problem both with the way the postmaster works (prioritizing garbage over some of the most valuable items in the game), but also the entire concept of too many blues dropping as rewards in the first place. The instant a season gives us an “auto-dismantle blues” mod in the artifact, it will be the best one yet.
Credit Where It’s Due: Auto-Summon Sparrows
If this list was written a week ago, I would have had a fourth item here, the idea that all sparrows should just be auto-summon as default. Well, it took years, but Bungie finally did it in the wake of changes to Ghosts 2.0, so perhaps there is hope for these other three as well. But nothing on the horizon yet, so far as we can tell.
So, what did I miss?
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