Assassins Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain: How to collect them all and find Excalibur – Gamesradar

In order to find Excalibur in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla you need to find all of the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain locations and collect a tablet from each one. After that, you’ll need to head to Myrddin’s Cave in Hamtunscire and slot all of these tablets into pillars in a familiar-looking vault in order to claim your prize and the best sword in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. But before you get too ahead of yourself dreaming of Mythical swords, you’ll need to find the tablets and, of course, these aren’t all hiding in the easiest of regions.

While the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Treasure of Britain locations hold the majority of the tablets, you’re going to have to slaughter some Zealots too. How difficult you’ll find this very much depends on your power level but you’ll quickly find out mid-battle if Woden or the Rat Lord Hrothgar is too hard from the angry red text above their health bar. This doesn’t mean the fight will be entirely impossible, just more difficult than it would be if you were a little higher. We recommend using every ability possible and remembering to dodge from those unparriable attacks. You’ll also need to hunt these roaming bosses down but we have a location to start looking below. 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Thankfully, the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain caves are much less stressful. With each one, you just need to keep heading forwards or down and following the path. If you do get stuck with where to go next, remember Assassin’s Creed’s penchant for using white as an indicator of routes you can run up or jump to. Where sometimes these will be white sheets, it can also be white marks in rock, paint, or even light. Remember the destructible nature of these environments too. Just like the gear chests and Book of Knowledge locations, you just have to think in movement puzzles. 

Right. Ready to find a Mythical sword with the best noise ever when you swing it? Here are the Treasure of Britain locations and how to find Excalibur in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. 

1. Grimes Graves – East Anglia

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

You might have already experienced Grimes Graves as part of another mystery. If not, you’ll find a cursed object along the way. But keep descending through the caves until you eventually come to a giant black flag – ba boom. Pass the flag and you’ll reach a table with some opal on it. Grab that but don’t leave yet. The tablet is hiding here too. Just smash some plates on top and grab your prize.

2. Santlache Mine – Suthsexe

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Thankfully after that table, the tablets don’t really hide at all. In the Santlache Mine in Suthsexe, it’s pretty much caving business as usual. Head inside and keep progressing down. You’ll have to blow up a few walls and then go for a swim. Don’t get too distracted by all the smashable iron ore on the swim, it might be slightly longer than you were expecting. Surface and you’ll end up in the room with the tablet. 

3. Cavern of Trials – Cent

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has a habit of casually tossing in fun mechanics and then not overusing them. The Cavern of Trials is a fun descent with a stack of keys to collect mid-jump. There’s nothing too taxing and more than a hint of Assassin’s Creed Revelations as you keep heading down. You’ll want all three keys to get through the doors at the bottom of the central well. Once you’re through, there’s no need to worry about remembering any chess moves as said in the note. Just keep pulling the moveable rocks along to use as platforms and leap over the stalagmites and you’ll reach the tablet at the end.

4. Old Cellar – Essexe

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

The Old Cellar South of Colcestre is a nice easy one after all of that jumping. Head into the cave, journey through and you’ll eventually come up into a large wine cellar. Head into the room with the giant barrels and you have to destroy the caps of the wine casks to spill wine into a central drain and float up your prize. Don’t worry if you don’t have enough arrows to get the ones higher up, there are a few lying around so you won’t end up stuck.  

5. Wiccan’s Cave – Eurvicscire

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

This one is another pretty speedy one but you’ll need to be ready for some boars at Eurvicscire’s level. Head inside the cave and find the room with the witch’s curse written down. In the same room you’ll find a panel of ice that can be smashed and you can jump through into a hidden room. It’s here in a locked room that you’ll find the tablet, In order to get it though you’ll have to head to one side of the house to use a bow and smash some pots and then the other to actually get inside. On one side, you’ll find some adorably murderous chickens but the boar on the other.

6. Deoraby Spar Cavern – Snotinghamscire

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

This time it’s snowy Snotinghamscire’s turn and this is a very easy one. Just follow the blue crystals inside the cave, watch your step and you’ll be out in no time.

7. Red Lichen Cavern – Hamtunscire 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

The Red Lichen Cavern in Hamtunscire is another one that’s not too taxing. Just keep clambering along and you’ll reach the tablet. Yes there’s green gas but it’s not instakill so just stay out of it as much as possible and when it’s time to grab the tablet, don’t stay there too long. Eivor will cough a bit but you won’t die in this particular Treasure of Britain location. 

8. Zealot – Hrothgar – Suthsexe

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Now, we hate to say it but it’s Zealot time and there are three to get through. If these haven’t already appeared on your map, the only way to find them is by finding them on the roads of the county. They tend to lurk in one place though so check where we have labelled them on each map and that’s a good place to start. Hrothgar here is on foot but you’ll always find Zealots patrolling roads so just keep circling the pathways of the region and you’ll find them. 

In terms of specific tips for Hrothgar, he’s a bigger badder version of the Goliath enemy type so keep away from his melee and keep dodging. A tip for all the Zealots is to keep using your abilities. Unfortunately it’s never simple and other foes will nearly always rock up to join the fray so use them as ability power builders and then unleash them on the Zealot.

9. Zealot – Heike – Esssexe 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

We found Heike just north of Epinga Forest in Essexe and it’s the same deal as Hrothgar but this guy has a shield so requires some more thought. Keep using your abilities, keep dodging and good luck. You’ll get your tablet in the end. Who knows where these guys are hiding these…? 

10. Zealot – Woden – Cent 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

And the last of the three necessary Zealots is Woden in Cent. He isn’t quite as tricky as the other two but it very much depends on your current power level. Just keep thinking about that shiny sword and keep slamming him with those abilities. Time to make the most of a flying axe or 8 and get stomping. 

11. Wocig – Hamtunscire

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

After that, you need a nice cave to relax you. Head to Wocig in Hamtunscire and take the boat inside. This is entirely a climbing puzzle and it’s just a case of following the white walls and ledges. Stop when you see the tar covered gap to slide under (otherwise you’ll leave again) and you’ll find a quick fire puzzle. You’ll be able to see the tablet through a grate and all you have to do is shoot an arrow at the pots to the left that are blocking another sliding entrance. Just be aware that everything will go on fire so be prepared to scuttle back before you head in and nab the final Treasure of Britain.

Myrddin’s Cave location

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Now, you’ve got your tablets but what do you need to do with them? Myrddin’s Cave is not signified by a blue dot like the other tablet areas. Instead Myrddin’s Cave location is slightly north west of Stonehenge in Hamtunscire. You’ll find it in trees in the spot labelled above. Just keep an eye out for level 340 bears. If you’re below level even slightly you will be in for a mauling. 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Make your way inside and you’ll discover that this is another Isu vault. You’ll have to leap of faith down the initial well – yes, we had to pluck up the courage too – and then do some swimming down into another cavern. From there, keep running along the pillars and making your way down. You’ll know when you’re in the right place as there are twelve pillars (don’t worry, one already has a tablet) and Excalibur waiting in the middle. Pop in all the tablets in a very satisfying animation and Excalibur will be yours. You’ll then be able to teleport out of the vault with the fire behind you. 

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Treasures of Britain

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Believe us when we say you’re going to want to try this for size almost immediately. Excalibur is already at Mythical quality and heavy finishers and critical hits blind enemies in the vicinity. So they won’t be able to see you and your mighty sword coming to finish them off.  

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