The mystery behind the sudden death of YooZoo Games founder and chairman Lin Qi is slowly turning into a possible murder. The Chinese gaming tycoon was found dead on Christmas Day, which came as a shock to the company who released a statement sending out their deepest condolences about his passing. However, earlier this morning CNN reported that his death may in fact be murder as there is now a suspect in custody with the possibility Qi being poisoned. Here’s a snippet from CNN.

A colleague of Lin’s — a 39-year-old man with the surname Xu — has been detained in Shanghai, with authorities saying in a statement that they were first alerted to a suspected poisoning on December 17. Police said Xu was “suspected of committing a major crime.” Two days before his death, YooZoo issued a statement saying Lin had been admitted to hospital due to “physical discomfort,” but was in stable condition and improving.
If this was indeed a murder by poisoning, then things at YooZoo Games are going to become a lot more uncomfortable for everyone working at the company beyond the loss of their founder. Regardless of what you may think of Chinese police and investigators when it comes to the country’s policies, they do actually handle cases like this about as well as Interpol or the FBI. If the man in custody did commit murder, there’s going to be a lengthy investigation as to why he did it and to find out if anyone else int he company knew about what was going on, just in case this might be a way for someone in the company to take over with the founder no longer there. We’ll keep an eye on this and see how it progresses, but chances are we won’t be hearing more for a while.