Heres what Apple employees are banned from doing at work – Times of India

Last month it was reported that Apple employees had been conducting internal surveys about returning to offices, the hybrid work model and pay equity. A report by The Verge says that Apple is prohibiting employees from conducting some internal surveys.
The report says that the main issue is with surveys that are related to pay equality within the firm. Apple employees had conduced a survey where it asked employees to “volunteer salary information in addition to how they identify in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and disability.” However, Apple’s HR team asked the employees to take down the survey as certain questions didn’t meet the norm. The report says that last week Apple took down another survey on pay equity as it had a question on gender. The employees then removed the gender question but Apple’s HR team shut it down as it was “hosted on the company’s corporate Box account.”
According to the report, Apple told employees that surveys will be prohibited in all cases if they are used for data collection. “Surveys are not permitted to be used as a means of collecting identifiable employee data without following the usual process to obtain this data from the People team. This includes any questions about an employee’s address, demographics, and so on, except for collecting country or region, which is permitted,” Apple’s People team told employees.
Apart from this any internal surveys that collect health information — including vaccination status — has also been banned by Apple. In addition to this, any survey that request diversity data has also been put in the grey area. Apple told employees that if they need information regarding diversity data then it has to get in touch with relevant teams before collecting it.