There’s a PlayStation Showcase this week, which means anyone with a Twitter account has heard inside information about the event from their Uncle who works at Sony. We’ve seen tons of stories flying on social media this weekend, including the prospect of a new Marvel title and so much more. The one that seems to have stuck is a rumour regarding inFAMOUS.
According to Xbox Era co-founder Nick Baker, Sucker Punch’s superhero series is in line for a comeback – but “take this one with a grain of salt”. He wrote on Twitter: “It’s one of the things I couldn’t get confirmed. But because I like the series I’m hoping it’s true. But there’s a chance we could see inFAMOUS make a return at Sony’s showcase. Fingers crossed.”
The wording of this message has us reaching for our Square button, because there’s a lot here to doubt. Baker points out multiple times that he hasn’t really been able to corroborate the story, and ends with a big old fingers crossed. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the post from being shared hundreds of times online, and reported on by dozens of websites.
Fans have since noticed that Sony recently renewed its inFAMOUS domain name, adding more fuel to the fire, but we’d guess this is a coincidence and is just a case of the platform holder protecting its property. We like inFAMOUS, but with Sucker Punch now working on Ghost of Tsushima and Marvel’s Spider-Man ticking PlayStation’s “exclusive super hero open world” box, it feels done to us.
Could it happen? Well, yes, of course – but this rumour hasn’t exactly convinced us.