Pete Carroll abruptly ended press conference, returned roughly 30 minutes later – NBC Sports

Arizona Cardinals v Seattle Seahawks

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Things are getting stressful in Seattle, and the strain is starting to show for coach Pete Carroll.

After Sunday’s loss to the Colt McCoy-led Cardinals, Carroll made an abrupt exit stage left roughly seven minutes into his post-game press conference.

“I’m really done,” he said, leaving the podium.

He returned roughly 30 minutes later, after a wardrobe change.

“I know that you probably have some more questions,” Carroll said. “I don’t know if I have any more answers for you. But I’ll try.”

He also explained that he came back because he wanted to help the reporters do their jobs.

“You’ve got a job, too,” Carroll said. “I did it out of respect to you guys.”

It’s smart, because Carroll may need those reporters on his side as a lost season continues to disintegrate. They’ll have considerable influence with the fan base and, indirectly, with those who will decide whether to keep the coach employed.

As the saying goes, don’t pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the truckload. Carroll wisely opted to curry favor on a day that caused him to initially make a quick exit.