PS5 Restock at Target Lasts Far Longer Than Normal –

A new restock of the PlayStation 5 took place at Target in the early hours of this morning. Over the course of the past few weeks, the PS5 has started to become harder to come by, likely because many retailers have less stock of the console than they did during the holidays. Despite this, today’s new sale of the PS5 seemed to go somewhat well because the stock was more plentiful than normal. 

Not long after the new PS5 restock at Target kicked off today, customers began sharing their own impressions of the sale on social media. As a whole, there were a good number of wins and losses. For some, the buying process was simple and they were able to go pick up their PS5 at their local Target a few hours later. Others saw the Target website being mired with problems that prevented them from making a purchase. And some truly unlucky folks were able to buy the PS5 only to have it then get canceled afterward. 

The best thing about this PS5 restock at Target, though, is that it lasted quite a long time. Rather than the stock running out in mere seconds or minutes, customers were reporting that they were still able to buy the PS5 up to 30 minutes after the sale began. And while this is obviously all depends on the stock in your own part of the country, it’s still a positive development to see as a whole. 

Did you try to snag a PS5 for yourself in this new drop at Target? If so, let me know what your own experience was like on Twitter at @MooreMan12. In addition, keep reading on down below if you’d like to see how this restock turned out for a number of others. 

A Better Restock Than Normal


Horizon Forbidden West FOMO Is Real


Welcome to Pain


These Target Restocks Are so Early


Target Is Biased Today


More Cancellations…


Two in One Day!
