This week at Bungie, we’re taking a deep breath and are feeling very thankful to our community.
The Witch Queen is now out and Guardians all around the world are charging into the next chapter of the Destiny universe. For the most part, queues were relatively short-lived, bugs were limited (knock on wood), and good times could be seen from a mile away as we watched reactions from those in the community dive in feet-first into Savathûn’s Throne World for the very first time. From the excitement over the Legendary Mode campaign to exploring the incredible potential of creating one’s own perfected arsenal, there is more to the beginning of this next step into the Destiny-verse than many were anticipating. And that’s not even diving into the post-campaign goodness like even more quests after you’re done crushing Hive Ghosts with your bare hands (a moment of silence, please).
To say that the team is proud would be a massive understatement, but it wouldn’t mean anything without you. Because of that, we just wanted to say a big ‘ol “thanks” to every single Destiny 2 player out there. Whether you’re an old vet like us or a Blueberry just diving in to see why everyone is screaming, “ah, worm!” you are what makes this game what it is today, and you push us to keep challenging what it means to be a Guardian. Here’s to you, and we can’t wait to see what you all think of what’s next. You think you know, but you have no idea.
I’m not crying, it’s just raining specifically on my face. Moving on…
Just a Taste
Without giving away too much, there is a lot to do in The Witch Queen and in Season of the Risen: Weapon crafting and shaping that artillery, new Exotic quests on top of a brand-new campaign filled with horrors, challenges, and adventure around every bend and twists that will make your heart hurt. Yeah, you’re going to be busy.
From the newly cemented-yet-unsteady alliance with Caiatl and her Cabal against the Lucent Brood to the new three-player PsiOps Battlegrounds activities, the Season of Rest (get it, because Season of the Lost lasted six months; we got jokes) is in the rearview mirror and it’s time to don those Lion Rampants and do some damage. Oh, and did we mention that the new Void 3.0 changes are live and free for all players? Because they are and not to sound biased or anything, but the revamped subclass is pretty darn nifty. With all of this new power at your fingertips, it’s clear we’ve got some work to do, Guardians. Give them each a spin as you jump into the PsiOps Battlegrounds for the first time, and don’t forget to let out your most epic battle cry when doing so.

Be a ‘Light’ in Real Life by Doing Some Good
Why just be a Light in-game when there is so much good to be done in the real world? Our annual Game2Give charity event is back again, and we have quite a few surprises up our proverbial sleeves in terms of prizes that we’ll have in store. And we have a giant wheel to get our inner Starhorse on, but more on that in a bit. For the lowdown on the latest charity initiative with the Bungie Foundation, the team has provided the following details below.
Our hearts are with our friends and families that are affected by the devastating events in Ukraine. To help, we will be donating 100% of the proceeds of the first 48 hours of our Game2Give drive to humanitarian aid efforts in response to the ongoing conflict.
For any Guardians looking for ways to help, you can donate directly to the following organizations:
Here is what you can expect for the week ahead:
Game2Give, part two, is upon us! Between February 24 and March 2, your support will propel the Bungie Foundation’s charitable work across our three pillars: children’s health and wellbeing, humanitarian aid, and inclusion, diversity, and equity efforts. We are so humbled by the generosity of the Bungie community to date, which has raised $1.6 million. Help us reach our goal of $2 million, which will crush our previous campaign record.
If you haven’t yet had the chance, we invite you to sign up to host your own Destiny 2 fundraising stream between February 24 and March 1. Or you can follow our packed lineup of featured streams playing throughout the week. We have some awesome prizes for you all at various fundraising milestones, including the coveted Metagalactic Bloom emblem for those who raise $2,500 or more. Check them out!$50+ USD:
Altrux Pura Mk1 Exotic Ship**
$35+ USD: Hi-5 Heart Exotic Multiplayer Emote**
$20+ USD: Arc Propellant Emblem
$10+ USD: Light Keeper Emblem
*All in-game digital incentives will be redeemable via donors’ ID and will appear in Destiny 2’s Collections immediately following redemption.
We’ll be wrapping up the event on March 2 with our own stream, and you don’t want to miss it! From 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT, you’ll have a chance to not only see some fun 30th anniversary gameplay from some of the Destiny 2 devs, but also have a chance to win some incredible donor incentives, that will only be available on our stream, awarded via our six-foot-tall prize wheel, that will only be available on our stream. Tune into the show on Bungie’s Twitch channel for all the action.
- $10 – Light Keepers emblem.
- $20 – Arc Propellant emblem.
- $35 – Hi-5 Heart Exotic emote.
- $50 – Altrus Pura Mk1 Exotic ship.
- $100 – Pick a player to inverse controls for a match.
- $200 – Spin the Prize Wheel!
- $500 – Dramatic lore reading.
- $1000 – Named shout out in a future TWAB.
- $5000 – First players from the community to tour Bungie’s new studio when it’s finished… eventually. Studio tour for a three-player fireteam (Limited to first five donors, travel/lodging not included).
- 5K – Release 4k TWAB header early.
- 10K – Voice actor lore reading from Brandon (Crow).
- 20K – Voice actor lore reading from Morla (Eris).
- 30K – 30 players in chat get a 30th Anniversary pack.
- 40K – 40 players in chat get TWQ Digital Deluxe Edition.
- 50K – Reveal “Where TWAB?” T-Shirt.
And be sure to follow us on our social channels for all the latest information throughout the campaign, found below:
Thank you all for being the Light Keepers our world needs!
The Bungie Foundation
Player Support Report

While many were heads down on The Witch Queen, our Player Support Team has been working hard behind the scenes to make the experience as fluid as possible. As with any big launch of an online game, there were a few hiccups along the way. Here is a breakdown of known issues that arose with the launch of the latest Destiny 2 expansion.
This is their report.
We are investigating reports where some PC performance optimization apps for graphics cards and fan speed control are causing Destiny 2 to crash. Players encountering issues are encouraged to fully exit out of these applications before launching the game.
Players who purchased The Witch Queen Digital Deluxe Edition can acquire the Osteo Striga Exotic SMG after the completion of The Witch Queen campaign.
Preorder specific rewards can be acquired from Rahool in the Tower upon login.
In mission three, The Ghosts, of The Witch Queen campaign, there is an instance leading up to the boss where players will encounter dark, enclosed spaces. With swarms of enemies pairing with the quick flashes of combat, this can pose a special risk for those with photosensitivity, or those that live in a household with someone that does. The team is aware of this and is currently investigating what the next steps might be.
In the meantime, here are some tips that may help those with photosensitivity issues:
- Sit at least two feet away from the screen, when possible.
- Try to keep your gaming area well-lit to reduce the impact of flashing lights as the sole focus.
- Dim your screen’s brightness.
- Invest in a monitor/TV screen that offers an Eye-Saver Mode. This will eliminate blue light, which has helped people with red and white flashing.
- Some monitors offer glare guards and flicker-free settings.
- Blue light filtering glasses are also under review to help and are something several members of our team use when diving in themselves.
- Try not to play a game if you’re in a state of extreme exhaustion.
- Don’t forget to take breaks, often.
- Pay attention to how you’re feeling.
- If you start to feel “off,” don’t ignore that. Identify what triggered that change in feeling and take a moment to step away.
- In extreme instances, you can also alternate covering one eye over the other and switching off periodically. This is especially helpful for focal epileptics.
- Try not to play anything when you are home alone, if possible.
- If you live alone, have a plan in place with a close friend or neighbor should you need help.
- Play around with in-game settings.
- If you do have issues with photosensitivity, talk to a medical professional about what you can do to reduce instances.
- Disable motion-blur, if applicable.
- The Clast of its Own ornament for Vex Mythoclast has a placeholder icon when viewed in Collections.
- Colors appear duller or inverted when HDR is enabled.
- The Night’s Chill shader is displaying incorrect textures when applied to gear.
- The Overload Auto Rifle and SMG Artifact mods do not disrupt the health regeneration of Overload Champions after a stun.
- Hunters cannot cancel out of a Glaive melee combo by using their class ability.
- Glaive melee kills do not count toward kill tracker progress and certain melee-triggered perks.
- Certain Ghost tracking mods do not display destination material or chest locations when in the Throne World.
- The Constellation Tracer ship, Winning Streak Sparrow, and the Bright Cycle shell do not properly display lights when certain shaders are applied.
- Some players are unable to equip the MMXXI title.
- We are investigating poor performance in certain UI screens.
- Players are unable to dismantle the Meditation quests even when all available Void Aspects have already been obtained.
- Campaign mission progress may not properly increase for all fireteam members.
- The Abyss Walker Eververse Hunter bundle preview image displays the incorrect cape.
- The correct cape can be viewed by inspecting the bundle in the Eververse Store.
- The new item sheen on some pieces of gear persists after inspection.
- Season 15 Pathfinder armor sets are not available to equip as ornaments if previously unlocked via Armor Synthesis.
Who Is That?

Sam: Happy TWABsday, Guardians! Eeeeek! We are a few days post The Witch Queen launch and the art and movies pouring in over the past week alone have been so incredible. Thank you all for being here;, we are so excited for the future and we cannot wait to see what you create next.
Movie of the Week: Who is that?
Movie of the Week: Lance Reddick
But Is It Art?

Hippy: Hi, and wow. What a week, am I right? Riding that high of a new release and digging deep into the lore like the mad lad I pretend to be in my head, it was so much harder than usual to pick just a few art pieces to showcase. We’re going to need you guys to stop being so talented, OK? Thanks. (Just kidding, please don’t stop, we love it!) The first showcase is something a little different. This time it’s an unofficial comic drawn by one Guardian that brings the story of penguins and Light to life in a sweet-yet-heart-wrenching way. Grab some sad tissues, because this is great. The second piece of art is a haunting tribute to the tale of two queens and maybe it’s just me, but I got chills. Plus, it’s Moth Mom. We have to pay our respects.
Art of the Week: Your friend, Micah.
Art of the Week: The Witch Queen
Guardians Don’t Need Sleep (But We Do)
To say this week has been amazing wouldn’t be doing it justice, but we’re just getting started. Old enemies will be conquered, new threats will reveal themselves, and we’ll all be running around with our stabby stabby murder sticks (ahem, we mean Glaives) ready for it all.
Space Horse also says hi (well, neigh) because he’s watching all the madness unfold from the safety of Dares of Eternity. Weirdo.
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. Until next week, go out there and crush some Hive for us.
“I should go,”