Sure, notions of Russia and vodka are irrefutably intertwined. But before you pour out a handle in protest, know that it probably didn’t come directly from Russia. According to NPR, less than 1% of vodka consumed in the U.S. is made in Russia. Even Stoli vodka, though Russian in name, is actually made in Latvia. In a statement to CNN, Stoli Group said it “unequivocally condemns the military action in Ukraine and stands ready to support the Ukrainian people, our teams and partners.”
Similarly, Smirnoff is a popular brand that does have origins in Russia, but has long been owned by a British company, and is currently manufactured in Illinois. Absolut, Svedka, Grey Goose, and so on—your vodka of choice likely is not Russian-made, unless it happens to be Russian Standard or Green Mark.
If you still want a vodka-infused way to support Ukraine, how about buying Ukrainian, like with some Khor?