Recently Laughed At: An old manga lent to him by Fig
Concerned About: His payment for this mission
Birthday: March 24
A freelance Devil Summoner. Although he’s murdered by a Phantom Society agent, he is resurrected with Ringo’s soul hacking. He decides to accompany Ringo and her team with a certain objective of his own in mind. A romantic at heart, he plays it cool in his own endearing way. Able to read the room, he often mediates and steps in whenever Arrow and Milady clash with one another.
—COMP: Tommy Gun
A gun-style COMP that specializes in Gun attribute attacks. It also has a high aptitude for Force skills. Saizo’s high agility plus his specialization in support, such as the use of recovery skills and items, make him a skilled fighter in battle.
An agent of the Phantom Society, a Devil Summoner faction. While she appears to be the composed type at first glance, she also has a deeply emotional and romantic side. She and Saizo once dated, but they broke up for some reason. She assisted in Saizo’s murder, but it was apparently not her intention…?