The upcoming Pokémon GO expansion for the trading card game includes Melmetal VMAX, the original legendary birds, and a wild new Ditto transformation that is unlike anything the TCG has ever seen before. I’m sure it will be extremely rare to find and also incredibly satisfying for those that do.
There have been tons of Ditto cards before, but the one coming July 1 when the Pokémon GO expansion drops is special because it uses stickers to disguise itself as other Pokémon. In an Instagram post, the Pokémon Company used a chill surfing Bidoof as an example. Normally just a cute and cuddly HM boss, Bidoof that have a sneaky little Ditto icon in the lower left corner are actually the gooey little imposter in disguise. Peel away a sticker and a rare holographic Ditto will be revealed underneath.
Here’s what the transformation looks like in action:
“Note that the Pokémon that rests on top of Ditto can’t be used competitively in official matches—only the Ditto itself,” the Pokémon Company wrote in an announcement. “In fact, you’ll find a little Ditto icon in place of the typical tournament registration mark!”
It’s unclear which other Pokémon the new expansion’s Ditto can disguise itself as. A holographic Moltres perhaps? Would anyone be so cruel?
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Pokémon cards have seen a big resurgence in recent years, with extremely rare cards fetching huge bucketloads of cash. Early in the pandemic, people were stampeding into Target and other big box stores to grab new packs. While that part of the frenzy has subsided, unwrappings, raffles and other giveaways are still big on YouTube and Twitch. And given the ongoing popularity of Pokémon GO, the cross-over is likely to be one of the bigger expansions the TCG has seen in recent years.
But as Polygon points out, some collectors are already working themselves into an existential crisis about the proper way to preserve the new Dittos. Should they remain pure and unpeeled? Or should the stickers be removed and encased separately so whatever glue is on them doesn’t degrade and ruin the underlying card over time? Probably best to collect at least two Dittos and do both, just to be extra safe.